How do I schedule a written or behind-the-wheel drivers test?
All testing is handled by the State of Minnesota. Further information is available at
Where is the brush dump located and what hours is it open?
The brush dump is located approximately 1/8 mile west of Preston by taking Fillmore Street past City Hall. The brush dump is open 24/7/365.
Do I have to license my pet(s)?
Yes, all dogs and cats within the city limits of Preston need to be registered and licensed. The annual fee to license your pet is $5. You will also need to bring a copy of the rabies certificate with you. Dog licenses are due by May 31st each year and cat licenses are due by June 30th each year. There is a $1 late fee if you register your pet(s) after the respective due date.
Can I reserve a city park shelter and is there a fee?
You can reserve a park shelter by calling City Hall. There is no fee.
Will the City pick up leaves & tree branches?
Yes, both leaves & tree branches are picked up twice a year, as indicated on the S&S Sanitation garbage pickup schedule (generally the last Wednesday of April & the last Wednesday of October). S&S Sanitation picks up the leaves, which need to be curbside by 7:00 a.m. in untied bags on the given pickup days. The empty bags will be left by the curb for you to retrieve. The City of Preston will pick up the tree branches. They also need to be curbside and can be up to 3” in diameter. Please call City Hall to be put on the tree branch pick up list at least one day prior to the pickup day.
Do I need a building permit to reroof or re-side my home?
Yes, permits are required for roofing and siding projects. There is no charge for the roofing/siding permit and they can be issued at the time of application.
Where are my property lines?
Maps are available on the Fillmore County GIS site, that will show an approximation of where your property lines are. The City does not have survey information for private property and the staff does not have the equipment/training necessary to locate property lines. The only way to be certain is to have your property surveyed by a registered land surveyor.
How do I file a complaint?
A complaint form is available in the lobby at City Hall or by calling 507-765-2153. City staff can assist you in completing the form. The City will not act on anonymous complaints so please be sure to provide your name and address. As required by state law, all complaints are confidential.
How long do I have to remove snow from my sidewalk after a storm?
Sidewalks must be cleared within 24 hours.
Do I own my water and sewer service’s or does the City?
Homeowners own their sewer service from the house out to where it attaches to the main, which is typically in the street. The water service is the responsibility of the property owner from the house out to the curb stop valve which is typically located in the boulevard or behind the sidewalk. The water meter, which is located in the basement, is owned by the City, but the homeowner is responsible for it. If it becomes damaged or frozen, the homeowner will be responsible for the cost of replacement.
If my sewer service needs to be replaced and I have to remove sidewalk or dig into the street do I have to pay to have it replaced?
Yes, homeowners are responsible for any damage done to City infrastructure (i.e. sidewalks, curb, streets, etc.) while doing work on privately owned service lines. The condition of the sidewalks or street is taken into consideration and the bill may be discounted if they are in disrepair.
Who owns the electric lines coming to my house?
The City owns the electric service up to the meter, including the point of attachment and the meter. The customer is responsible for everything attached to the structure (i.e. meter socket, conduit, disconnect).
If I want to bury my electric service is that my responsibility or the City’s?
Homeowners are responsible for any cost related to upgrading their service. If a homeowner wishes to change their service from overhead to underground, the City will provide the wire but the homeowner is responsible for digging the trench. The City will determine if the trench is of adequate depth before the wire will be installed.
How do I submit a public information request?
All public information requests must be submitted in writing by mail, email, fax or hand delivered to City Hall. Contact City Hall by phone for additional questions.
Am I responsible for replacing the sidewalk in front of my house if it is broken or heaved?
No, the City inspects all sidewalks every year. If a sidewalk is broken or heaved it is marked with hi visibility paint and documented. After inspections are completed, the City will determine what sidewalks will be replaced based on condition and funds available. When the City does decide to replace a sidewalk, the adjacent property owner is generally accessed 50% of the replacement cost.