The City of Preston has over 40 acres of city parks and several recreational facilities.
- Outdoor Pool with separate kiddie pool
- Paved in-town bike trails with connections to Root River Trail and Harmony-Preston Trail
- Four playgrounds
- Two softball fields
- Tennis Courts (with Basketball & Pickleball)
- Six Pavilions
- 2 Sand Volleyball Courts
- Two Canoe landings/tubing access
- Fishing docks (handicap accessible)
- Ice Skating Rink (warming house)
- 9-Hole Golf Course on the edge of town
- 18 Holes of Disc Golf plus a 9 Hole Any-Sport Course (Play Disc-Golf, Soccer, wiffle ball, use your creativity)!
Learn more about the course here!
Disc Sets are available to check out for free at these locations in Preston:
• City Hall
• Preston Visitor’s Center
• Trout City Brewing
• Preston Public Library
Preston offers a summer recreation program for youth that includes swimming lessons, baseball, softball and tee ball. Contact City Hall at 507-765-2153 for details on Swimming Lessons. Contact Fillmore Central Schools for details on summer recreation activities at 507-765-3809
Park Board Members
- Heath Mensink
- Diane Hadoff
- John Kinneberg
- Charles Sparks
- Riley Buley
Preston Park Board meets the 1st Monday of the Month at 5pm